Show Intersecting Bearings Position On a Map

Have you ever looked far to the horizon and seen an object, or an island, and wondered where that is on a map? By taking a bearing to the object from two locations, this tool will plot on a map where those lines intersect.

For example, let's say you are enjoying a walk above St Catherine's Pier in Jersey and out to the east, across the sea in mainland France, you can make out in the distance a cathedral tower.
You use your phone to get your GPS position of 49.22521867782072 Latitude and -2.023570738704621 Longitude and note that your phone's compass says the cathedral is at a bearing of 115° from you.
Later that day you are in town on the ramparts of Fort Regent. You spot the cathedral again in the distance.
This time your GPS position is 49.18031072407687 Latitude and -2.105800341417089 Longitude and the bearing is now 107°.
Using the tool below, you will find that you are looking at the town of Coutances in Normandy.

Lat 1:
Long 1:
Bearing 1:

Lat 2:
Long 2:
Bearing 2: